I love you. I like him.

I've been trying so hard not to mind how much I like him, cause I know I love you thousand times more. I force myself to close my eyes from the truth that he's that interesting. I force myself to close my ears from any command to get him.

I just never expect that apparently you're kinda sick of me. I always be around you so maybe you just don't have any reason to miss me.
That. Is. okay.
But overall, you've gotta know that I did it all cause I don't wanna let myself got a chance to think that I deserve turning to him. I did it all so that I can be faithful. I did it all for you.

Unexpectedly, you said you'd better release me. I don't have any idea why do you feel that bored with me til you chose to give me a chance to go. It means, indirectly you tell me to get him.

But I just want you.


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