#3 Donald Bebek

permainan baru di antara kita-kita !
ini serrrrrrrru banget (menurutku ya) apalagi kalo mainnya bareng kalian. trs mainnya di lapangan atau nggak di koridor depan 7b. sumpah ini bener-bener seru abis

Aturan Permainan:
1. Ngomong "Donald Bebek mundur 3 langkah"
2. Hompimpa Alaiyum Gambreng (trs sampe ada yang beda)
3. Yang beda sendiri nginjek kaki teman terdekatnya
4. Yang kakinya keinjek harus keluar, kalo mau gabung lagi boleh juga (aturannya Neysa)
5. Ngomong lagi "Donald Bebek maju 3 langkah" (trs sampe tangan kita ber-5 sentuhan)
6. Hompimpa Alaiyum Gambreng (trs sampe ada yang beda)
7. Yang beda sendiri nginjek kaki teman terdekatnya
8. Yang kakinya keinjek harus keluar, kalo mau gabung lagi boleh juga (aturannya Neysa)

Aturan itu bener-bener nggak berlaku di kita! kita main asal-asalan banget
kalo abis hompimpa pasti teriak-teriak dan kalo udah ada yang beda sendiri, yang lainnya kabur (lari) jadi kayak kejar-kejaran gitu

lucu gitu
seru gitu

lucu deh
seru deh

nggak penting deh
eh penting deh

#5 129 things friends do (have we?)

I'll give V mark if we have ever done it, and X if we haven't. You may change them if i make mistakes, i might forget.

1. watch TV together (V)

2. play video games together (X)

3. play toys (V)

4. play computer games (V)

5. write a poem (V)

6. go trick-or-treating (X)

7. give presents to each other (V)

8. go to the movies (V) --> Manda's, not at the cinema

9. listen to music (V)

10. go to the park (V)

11. wrestle (X)

12. give Valentine's cards (X)

13. tell secrets (V)

14. eat with each other (V) ALWAYS

15. tell jokes (V) EVERYDAY

16. do math (V)

17. go to the zoo (X)

18. play outside (V)

19. go into the pool (V)

20. make crafts (X)

21. play basketball (X)

22. go on trips (X)

23. play chess (X)

24. read (V)

25. sleep over (V)

26. ride bikes (V)

27. go fishing (X)

28. be partners in school (V)

29. help each other spell words (V) maybe

30. go to each other's birthday party (V)

31. go to the beach (X)

32. send letters (V)

33. make your friend feel brave (V)

34. share toys (X)

35. play tag (X)

36. do each other's hair (V)

37. go on the monkey bars at school (X)

38. swings (X)

39. play board games (X)

40. play baseball (X)

41. play football (X)

42. play soccer (X)

43. play dress up (X)

44. go shopping (V)

45. go to concerts (X)

46. play with nail polish (V)

47. color (V) color what?

48. go ice-skating (X)

49. go to a carnival (X)

50. go over your friend's house (V)

51. watch a movie (V)

52. go pumpkin picking (X)

53. go apple picking (X)

54. feed the ducks (X)

55. go on a picnic (X)

56. dance (V)

57. go to the aquarium (X)

58. build a snowman (X) wheeeeeere? :'(

59. play hide and seek (V)

60. watch the sunset (V)

61. plant flowers (X)

62. sew (X)

63. share snacks (V)

64. painting (V)

65. have dinner together (V)

66. do a projects (V)

67. go roller skating (X)

68. write a story (X)

69. buy school supplies (V)

70. build a tree house (X)

71. skateboard (X)

72. scare each other (V)

73. race each other (X)

74. arm wrestle (V)

75. thumb wrestle (V)

76. E-mail a friend (V)

77. show a magic trick (X)

78. hike with a friend (X)

79. tell a friend how you feel (V)

80. lend a friend money (V) especially to kekei

81. build up a friend's confidence (V)

82. congratulate your friend when something good happens (V)

83. climb trees (X)

84. join a club together (V)

85. walk to school together (V)

86. sit next to each other on a bus (V)

87. stick up for each other (X)

88. talk on the phone together (V)

89. pillow fight (V)

90. do a science experiment together (V)

91. snowboard (X)

92. skiing (X)

93. go on vacation together (X)

94. hockey (X)

95. have snowball fights when school is cancelled (X) never happen here

96. fly kites (X)

97. puzzle (X)

98. build sand castle (X)

99. collect shells (X)

100. make bead necklaces (X)

AAAAAAAAAA I'm tired ! But after read these all, I realize that there are so many things we have never done yet :( So I really hope God makes us togetherat least until we can do these all ! Okay, happy reading :D there are still so much below, just read them, i don't wanna mark anymore.

101. play cards

102. Give hugs

103. Write an article about how proud you are to have a friend

104. Volunteer at a nursing home.

105. Wash an elderly neighbor's car.

106. Run through a sprinkler

107. Plant a garden.

108. Read a magazine with a friend

109. Put on a play with a friend

110. Go to blockbuster with friends

111. Skip with friends

112.Talk (about guys and stuff)

113.Go on walks

114. Double Date

115.Play tennis

116. Just Talk

117. Add to 'Crush Boxes

118. Sleep at each others house's.

119. Stand in a staircase and talk to each other loudly so it echoes :)

120. Draw on each others arms or feet etc.

121. Post random things on this website .

122. Throw a party.

123. Go in public and yell "hey, stupid!" and see how many people turn around.

124. Dance and sing like there's no tomorrow.

125. Get as hyper as possible.

126. Watch super-scary movies together.

127. Go into your room and blast music so loud it shakes the house!

128. Take a picture of your face and one of the body of a dog, put them together, and post signs saying "lost".

129. Act as crazy as possible.

PS : Maaf banyak yg dobel, aku asal copy aja

#3 Kenangan MSN

waktu aku lagi ngotak-ngatik komputer, aku menemukan folder My Chat Logs trs di dalemnya ada sesuatu yang serrrrrrrru banget. tapi nggak tau deh menurut kalian seru apa nggak

ni yang ku temuin

bikin ngakak abis tau ini

sebenernya masih banyaaaaaak banget. tapi males ah nguploadnya 1-1

#5 Nyebrang harganya sepuluh ribu

Heeeeeeeeey, hari ini ada cerita seru (baca : bodoh) lagi !
Oke langsung mulai aja ya. Ceritanya hari ini hari terakhir PRA UN yang artinya kita bisa bebaaaaas bangeet seenggaknya bisa istirahat dulu dr belajar. Apalagi hari ini cuma 2 pelajaran, jd setengah 11 an udah pulang. Tercetuslah ide makan miabang sama eskacmer. Ngapain juga disingkat. Itu maksudnya mi ayam bangka sama es kacang merah. Ada yang tau? Pokoknya kalo nemu penjual mi ayam enak dan terlihat pantas jd ayahnya kekei atau bona atau andi atau ina, that's it ! Buat yang nggak tau, cina maksudnya. Maaf ya teman-teman yang disebut namanya.
Pas masih disana, Manda udah pulang duluan. Nggak berapa lama Dinda nyusul. Akhirnya tinggal aku, Kekei, sama Dity. Pas lagi makan kita udah tau bakalan hujan, dan LAGI-LAGI bukannya cepet-cepet. Guanya doang sih sebenernya yang lama.
Nah, abis kita selesai terus kan udah bayar, tapi masih hujan dan ternyata cukup deres walaupun nggak sederes yang waktu itu. (Liat post yg judulnya don't think too much (or too little)).
Alhamdulillah, kita nggak sebodoh itu lagi. Ide terobos hujan udah sepenuhnya dicoret dr pikiran kita. Akhirnya muncul ide lain setelah liat Alfamart. You know what?


Oke at least ini nggak begitu bodoh. Yaudah kita masuk, liat2, milih2, rebutan yang lucu2. Bohonglah. Kita cuma asal ambil aja yang murah. Itupun Rp 29.900. Akhirnya terpaksa patungan 10rb/orang.
D : Reda awaaaaas aja !
N : Eh iya jangan2 reda
K : (Ngeliat luar) Nggak kok Ney, tambah deres. YEEEES ! (oon banget ngapain seneng)

Payung itu (10rb itu) akhirnya yang nganterin kita nyebrang. Asal tau aja nyebrangnya sedeket apa. Ya Allah dekeeet banget beneran dah 1 menit juga nyampe. Udah gitu mentang2 payungnya cuma dipake di kepala, jd sepatu kita tetep aja kerendem. Pak parna maaf ya besok terpaksa kita pake sepatu bebas lagi.


Kesimpulan : Iya, ini emang nggak bodoh. Tapi boros banget :'( Oke berarti bodoh juga deh.

#3 Olsen Twins Style (Y)

ini nggak penting sih tapi kata Bona aku paling jarang posting setelah Dinda (Bona gua dengerin). ini kayanya nggak cocok buat cowok, jadi buat cowok yang baca blog ini kalo mau lewatin, lewatin aja.

Aku liat di polyvore ada Olsen Twins Style dan nggak keren keren banget sih tapi cocok buat manda yang udah punya modal yaitu iPhone. ok kita bahas stylenya

Pertama anting, namanya Rettore Topaz Earrings, harganya $5,650.00. gila ya mahal banget! (nggak tertarik)

Terus sepatu, Stacked Black Gladiator Heels, harganya 239.00 AUD. nggak tau deh itu mata uang apa tapi nggak tertarik juga sih

Terus kacamata, Giggles Sunglasses, harganya $15.00. KEREN!

Fragrance, Harrods, harganya 28.87 GBP. itu juga nggak tau deh mata uang apa lagian juga nggak pernah nyium wanginya

Dress, 'steark' lace greenwich dress, harganya $1,015.00. what do you think?

BALMAIN, Studded sleeveless cardigan in white leather, nggak ada harganya

Bag by Marc Jacobs Strippy Strap 

Mascara nggak usah lah ya

and the last iPhone (Y) harganya Rp #### (maaf nggak cukup)
