#5 129 things friends do (have we?)

I'll give V mark if we have ever done it, and X if we haven't. You may change them if i make mistakes, i might forget.

1. watch TV together (V)

2. play video games together (X)

3. play toys (V)

4. play computer games (V)

5. write a poem (V)

6. go trick-or-treating (X)

7. give presents to each other (V)

8. go to the movies (V) --> Manda's, not at the cinema

9. listen to music (V)

10. go to the park (V)

11. wrestle (X)

12. give Valentine's cards (X)

13. tell secrets (V)

14. eat with each other (V) ALWAYS

15. tell jokes (V) EVERYDAY

16. do math (V)

17. go to the zoo (X)

18. play outside (V)

19. go into the pool (V)

20. make crafts (X)

21. play basketball (X)

22. go on trips (X)

23. play chess (X)

24. read (V)

25. sleep over (V)

26. ride bikes (V)

27. go fishing (X)

28. be partners in school (V)

29. help each other spell words (V) maybe

30. go to each other's birthday party (V)

31. go to the beach (X)

32. send letters (V)

33. make your friend feel brave (V)

34. share toys (X)

35. play tag (X)

36. do each other's hair (V)

37. go on the monkey bars at school (X)

38. swings (X)

39. play board games (X)

40. play baseball (X)

41. play football (X)

42. play soccer (X)

43. play dress up (X)

44. go shopping (V)

45. go to concerts (X)

46. play with nail polish (V)

47. color (V) color what?

48. go ice-skating (X)

49. go to a carnival (X)

50. go over your friend's house (V)

51. watch a movie (V)

52. go pumpkin picking (X)

53. go apple picking (X)

54. feed the ducks (X)

55. go on a picnic (X)

56. dance (V)

57. go to the aquarium (X)

58. build a snowman (X) wheeeeeere? :'(

59. play hide and seek (V)

60. watch the sunset (V)

61. plant flowers (X)

62. sew (X)

63. share snacks (V)

64. painting (V)

65. have dinner together (V)

66. do a projects (V)

67. go roller skating (X)

68. write a story (X)

69. buy school supplies (V)

70. build a tree house (X)

71. skateboard (X)

72. scare each other (V)

73. race each other (X)

74. arm wrestle (V)

75. thumb wrestle (V)

76. E-mail a friend (V)

77. show a magic trick (X)

78. hike with a friend (X)

79. tell a friend how you feel (V)

80. lend a friend money (V) especially to kekei

81. build up a friend's confidence (V)

82. congratulate your friend when something good happens (V)

83. climb trees (X)

84. join a club together (V)

85. walk to school together (V)

86. sit next to each other on a bus (V)

87. stick up for each other (X)

88. talk on the phone together (V)

89. pillow fight (V)

90. do a science experiment together (V)

91. snowboard (X)

92. skiing (X)

93. go on vacation together (X)

94. hockey (X)

95. have snowball fights when school is cancelled (X) never happen here

96. fly kites (X)

97. puzzle (X)

98. build sand castle (X)

99. collect shells (X)

100. make bead necklaces (X)

AAAAAAAAAA I'm tired ! But after read these all, I realize that there are so many things we have never done yet :( So I really hope God makes us togetherat least until we can do these all ! Okay, happy reading :D there are still so much below, just read them, i don't wanna mark anymore.

101. play cards

102. Give hugs

103. Write an article about how proud you are to have a friend

104. Volunteer at a nursing home.

105. Wash an elderly neighbor's car.

106. Run through a sprinkler

107. Plant a garden.

108. Read a magazine with a friend

109. Put on a play with a friend

110. Go to blockbuster with friends

111. Skip with friends

112.Talk (about guys and stuff)

113.Go on walks

114. Double Date

115.Play tennis

116. Just Talk

117. Add to 'Crush Boxes

118. Sleep at each others house's.

119. Stand in a staircase and talk to each other loudly so it echoes :)

120. Draw on each others arms or feet etc.

121. Post random things on this website .

122. Throw a party.

123. Go in public and yell "hey, stupid!" and see how many people turn around.

124. Dance and sing like there's no tomorrow.

125. Get as hyper as possible.

126. Watch super-scary movies together.

127. Go into your room and blast music so loud it shakes the house!

128. Take a picture of your face and one of the body of a dog, put them together, and post signs saying "lost".

129. Act as crazy as possible.

PS : Maaf banyak yg dobel, aku asal copy aja


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